YODA F3K Yoda F3K- is the new F3K Generation from Master Joe Wurts. Yoda F3K is the best DLG for the Top Pilots: Best thermaling due Multidihedral wing; Best penetration due newest Joe’s airfoils with extra wide flap; Highest launch due low drag optimization. Yoda F3K is the best for Regular Pilots. You will add 1 min to your flight time easy: Easy handling, as F5J glider, due Multidihedral wing; Easy come back, Yoda F3K is very stabile in cruise; You will feel every thermal.
Snipe 2 Snipe 2: better displays about the thermals; easy to control and climbs faster in thermals with the smallest circles; takes less ballast for turning back upwind to launching zone; has the highest launch; has easy quick-changed ballast from 30 to 180g
Snipe SN The new Snipe SN with a 20mm shorter nose was made as an experiment for F3K World Championship 2015. Team New Zealand, F3K World Champion 2015 Alex Hewson and some other top pilots used this modification during Championship to great effect. Snipe SN (snipe short nose) has 20 mm shorter nose, and Snipe SNT (Snipe short nose and tail) has 20mm shorter nose and 45 mm shorter tail boom, than original Snipe.
ELF ELF is a new generation of hand-launched planes with 1m wing-span by Vladimir's Model. Amazingly small size of the model gives the pilot access to places he never dared to fly before (car parking, beaches, etc.) ELF is a radio-controlled plane for everyone. Due to unparalleled controllability it can be easily controlled even by a novice.