Joe Wurtz about wing servo instalation
Wing Template for Sprite and Supra
Some reccommendations for Supra
To correctly set up flap an aileron deflections in relation to the TX sticks movement, we recommend the following arrangement:
The photographs below shows an example of setting the flaps for the rocking chair with a shoulder 7.5 mm at the Futaba T12FGA transmitter.
Supra Expert El
We suggest you use the new line-up equipment in the electric version of the fuselage Supra EL. This line-up provides the most good controllability - a desired landing. The accuracy achieved by reduction of the inertia of the tail model by the forward position servos.
With this line-up battery is mounted on an adjustable bracket. This will allow you to choose the alignment. In addition, at the same bar you can attach a special ballast.
It is possible to install servos in the tail fin. This arrangement makes the model more versatile. Since the servos are located in the rudder, there is more space in the forward fuselage to install a more powerful electrical components. Such a model can be used not only to compete but also for hobby flying.
Contents of Supra Expert El kit
Contents of part kit:
1 - Right wing tip;
2 - Left wing tip;
3 - Fuselage;
4 - Tail boom;
5 - Central panel;
6 - Stabilizer;
7 - Vertical stabilizer;
8 - Contents of Supra Expert El kit.
Recommended equipment not included to the kit

SUPRA Fuselage Bag (universal)

Glider bag 1620 mm blue

Glider bag 1620 mm red

IDS systems with fixed-length rods installation guide for Maxa and Supra wing.pdf

IDS systems with fixed-length rods installation guide for Maxa and Supra wing.pdf
You can selected parameters you need using the following comparative table.
Comparison of Different Models from Supra Expert El family |
Model version |
Aerodynamic parameters |
Length |
1700 mm (66,93") |
Wing span |
3400 mm (133,85") |
Wing area |
69,34 sq dm |
Wing airfoil |
AG 40/ AG 41/ AG 42/ AG 43 |
Wing aspect ratio |
16.67% |
Horiz. stabilizer area |
6,86 sq dm |
Horiz. stabilizer aspect ratio |
6.96% |
Vertical stabilizer area |
4,9 dm² (76 in²) |
Vertical stabilizer airfoil |
HT 13/ HT 12 |
Vertical stabilizer aspect ratio |
2.5% |
Control surfaces |
ailerons, flaps, rudder, elevator |
Weight characteristics |
Pod |
Tail boom with pushrods |
Wing central section (with wires) |
540 gr |
565 gr |
585 gr |
430 gr |
Pair of wing tips |
330 gr |
356 gr |
350 gr |
300 gr |
Vertical stabilizer & rudder |
27 gr |
Horizontal stabilizer |
30 gr |
Fairings, control horns, etc |
82 gr |
NT model weight |
1215 gr |
1266 gr |
1280 gr |
1075 gr |
Flight weight * |
1610 gr |
1661 gr |
1675 gr |
1455 gr |
Price, EUR |
1 586,00 € |
1 656,00 € |
1 499,00 € |
1 586,00 € |
* - typical value shown; the actual values depend on the radio gear used;
** - weight of the components depends on the color and the presence of stripes. Dark colors lighter, yellow is the heaviest.
Following numerous design studies, in the Spring of 2009, we introduced optimized wing spars for Supra PRO family, which increased wing stiffness while reducing weight. New wing spars are baked in an autoclave in special molds from CF pre-preg. We use high strength carbon fiber IMS 65.
Vladimir’s Model’s space age design employing Rohacel core for the flaps results in unbelievably light and incredibly strong thin wings. Combination of the right stiffness and weight eliminates aileron flatter even at extreme speeds.
Supra Expert El SC and SExpert El Hard SC are built with bi-axial Spread Tow carbon we make in-house from high strength carbon fiber IMS 65. The weight of the finished CF composite is only 38…40 g/m², which results in lighter and stronger parts.
We manufacture two types of the wing spars for Supra Expert central wing section:
Wing spars of Supra Expert SC and Supra Expert El SC Light have 10.5 mm wide flanges
Wing spars of Supra Expert Hard SC and Supra Expert Glass have 13 mm wide flanges
1,5 - Spar is made of carbon pre-preg in an autoclave; 2 – Carbon tubing of ±45° layup improves the torsional stiffness of the spar; 3 - Shear web of Carboline SC_39_2/45;
4 – The core is made from high strength foam.
Versions of the wing design of Supra Expert El
Supra Expert El SC central wing section
Outer layers of Carboline SC_39_2/45, at ±45° degree bias;
Herex core of the composite sandwich;
Inner layers of Carboline SC_39_2/30, at ±30° degree bias;
10,5 mm wide spar of high strength IMS65 carbon fiber;
Rohacell flap core;
Flap spar from carbon braided sleeve, carrying torsional loads;
Strip of the hinge material;
The rear wall of the wing is of Rohacell with Carboline SC_39_2/45.
Supra Expert El Hard SC central wing section
Outer layers of Carboline SC_39_2/45, at ±45° degree bias;
Herex core of the composite sandwich;
Inner layers of Carboline SC_39_2/30, at ±30° degree bias;
13 mm wide spar of high strength IMS65 carbon fiber;
Rohacell flap core;
Flap spar from carbon braided sleeve, carrying torsional loads;
Strip of the hinge material;
The rear wall of the wing is of Rohacell with Carboline SC_39_2/45.
Supra Expert El Glass central wing section
Outer layers of Kevlar at ±45° degree bias;
Herex core of the composite sandwich;
Inner layers of thin Kevlar at ±45° degree bias;
Карбоновое усиление;
13 mm wide spar of high strength IMS65 carbon fiber;
Rohacell flap core;
Flap spar from carbon braided sleeve, carrying torsional loads;
Strip of the hinge material;
The rear wall of the wing is of Rohacell with Carboline SC_39_2/45.
Supra Expert El SC Light central wing section
Outer layers of Carboline SC_26_2/45 at ±45° degree bias;
Herex core of the composite sandwich;
Inner layers of Carboline SC_26_2/30 at ±30° degree bias;
10.5 mm wide spar of high strength IMS65 carbon fiber;
Rohacell flap core;
Flap spar from carbon braided sleeve, carrying torsional loads;
Strip of the hinge material;
The rear wall of the wing is of Rohacell with Carboline SC_39_2/45.
Comparison of Supra Expert El family wings |
Wing version |
Width of spar flanges |
10,5 mm |
13 mm |
13 mm |
10,5 mm |
Composite sandwich of the central section |
Glass | Kevlar |
Weight of the central section |
540 |
565 |
585 |
Bending deflection of the central section |
25 |
20 |
23.5 |
Composite sandwich of the wing tips |
SC_39_2/45 | glass |
Glass | Kevlar |
SC_26_2/45 | glass |
Weight of a wing tip
165 |
178 |
175 |
Weight of a wing joiner |
17.1 |
19.8 |
17.1 |
Type of the wing joiner |
narrow |
standart |
standart |
narrow |
Мы предлагаем Вам использовать новую компановку оборудования в элетро версии фюзеляжа Supra Expert El. Такая компановка обеспечит максимально хорошую управляемость - такую необходимую на посадке. точность достигается снижением инертности хвостовой части модели за счет переднего расположения сервомашинок.
При такой компановке аккумулятор крепится на регулируемой планке. Это позволит вам подобрать центровку. Кроме того, на ту же поланку Вы можете прикрепить специальный балласт.
Хвостовая балка
Хвостовая балка фюзеляжа сделана из тонкой Spread Tow карбоновой ткани, уложенной под углом +45 градусов (1) и -45 градусов (2). Между слоями Spread уложено 2 слоя однонаправленного карбонового волокна (3). Эта технология позволила сделать балку более жесткой и прочной. Вес балки без тяг 41 грамм.
Supra Expert поставляется с предварительно собранным фюзеляжем. Вклеена балластная камера, тяги управления и пристыкован съемный киль. Вам необходимо только вклеить балку на эпоксидной смоле и установить радиооборудование.
Для правильного положения стабилизатора, хвостовую балку необходимо вклеить как показано на рисунке.
The canopy is molded carbon composite. It uses reliable mounting latch design proven in many Vladimir’s Model planes: Blaster 2 electric, Sprite, Graphite 2 electric, Supra El.
Хвостовое оперение
Для легкого и прочного стабилизатора Supra Expert El выбрана конструкция с цельным сердечником из Rohacell. В сердечники интегрированы стенки из Carboline. Пояса лонжеронов уложены в пазы сердечника. Угольный жгут лонжеронов предварительно растянут и равномерно пропитан в пропиточной машине. Обшивка стабилизатора выполнена из нового сверхлегкого Carboline 26 г/м².
Кабанчик руля направления является аэродинамическим продолжением пилона стабилизатора. Он прикручивается двумя винтами М2х10 при установке стабилизатора на фюзеляж.
Киль Supra Expert El съёмный для транспортировки на лётное поле. Киль фиксируется на хвостовой балке карбоновым штифтом. Перед полётом штифт желательно зафиксировать клейкой лентой.
Киль Supra Expert El имеет формованный (для увеличения жесткости) легкий руль поворота.
You can selected parameters you need using the following comparative table.
Comparison of Different Models from Supra Expert El family |
Model version |
Aerodynamic parameters |
Length |
1700 mm (66,93") |
Wing span |
3400 mm (133,85") |
Wing area |
69,34 sq dm |
Wing airfoil |
AG 40/ AG 41/ AG 42/ AG 43 |
Wing aspect ratio |
16.67% |
Horiz. stabilizer area |
6,86 sq dm |
Horiz. stabilizer aspect ratio |
6.96% |
Vertical stabilizer area |
4,9 dm² (76 in²) |
Vertical stabilizer airfoil |
HT 13/ HT 12 |
Vertical stabilizer aspect ratio |
2.5% |
Control surfaces |
ailerons, flaps, rudder, elevator |
Weight characteristics |
Pod |
Tail boom with pushrods |
Wing central section (with wires) |
540 gr |
565 gr |
585 gr |
430 gr |
Pair of wing tips |
330 gr |
356 gr |
350 gr |
300 gr |
Vertical stabilizer & rudder |
27 gr |
Horizontal stabilizer |
30 gr |
Fairings, control horns, etc |
82 gr |
NT model weight |
1215 gr |
1266 gr |
1280 gr |
1075 gr |
Flight weight * |
1610 gr |
1661 gr |
1675 gr |
1455 gr |
Price, EUR |
1 586,00 € |
1 656,00 € |
1 499,00 € |
1 586,00 € |
* - typical value shown; the actual values depend on the radio gear used;
** - weight of the components depends on the color and the presence of stripes. Dark colors lighter, yellow is the heaviest.